Friday, June 10, 2011

Why do adults have to be so childish.

Okay, so where I work, I work with a bunch of women. They're all cool, except for one. Well, they all like to talk girl talk, "Chick Chatter" as I like to call it. And that's all fine and dandy, I try not to listen in, but these are things the girls need to talk about in private... not things they should be saying with a man present. Apparently mommy forgot to teach them how to be ladies and society doesn't really wanna enforce it anymore, but my sensibilities are offended.

So I go to my supervisor and tell her, I want it to stop. It needs to stop it's not appropriate behavior for the work place. She talks to someone who talks to said little girl, and she blows up and posts something on facebook about me. Something about I'm uptight because I don't get any. This is childish and stupid, so I print off the page and take my ass back to work and show my supervisor who is appalled. As of yet, they don't think they're going to fire her. I would, shit like that doesn't need to be representing any company.

Why do people think it's okay to act this way... up until now I've been trying to be nothing but nice to this person, but she attacks me. It's stupid behavior. I really don't understand people like this.. I try my best to get along with everyone, and I enjoy everyone else... they're all cool. It's just this one childish little hedonistic girl. Well, I don't play her game. She's about to be forced into playing mine, and she's not going to like it cause the world don't revolve around either one of us. I wish her the best, but I hope I don't have to work with her any more.

1 comment:

  1. Namaste brother, I think the problem is their little voice. The ego messes with people so much they have a hard time figuring out what is real or not.

    We all act stupid, but not everyone learns along the way. I will enjoy following your thoughts and invite you to follow my site and share your point of view.
