Thursday, April 28, 2011

Why Marijuana is not legal.

There are many reasons why marijuana is not legal. I think the first reason is because the government hasn't figured out how to control it. The second reason is because it could have medicinal qualities beyond our wildest dreams, maybe cure cancer or other profitable deadly illnesses. It's illegal because way to many people have wrong information, and they're to scared to try it themselves and debunk these horrendous myths.

Marijuana does not make someone paranoid who does not have a predisposition to paranoia. People who smoke marijuana become paranoid because they can be put away for a long long time for simply smoking a plant that was put here by natural forces.

Marijuana does not cause loss of memory. This is just utter bullshit. Smoking a joint is not going to lower your IQ. It doesn't make you stammer and stutter, quite the contrary, it makes you more insightful. It makes you think about things you may not normally think about.

Contrary to popular belief in America, marijuana does have medicinal value. It will make you eat if you for whatever reason can't eat. It will make you sleep, if you're an insomniac. It will relieve pain, but not in the way most think of pain relief. You will still be aware that you have pain, but you are no longer bothered by it. Which in my opinion is better than big pharma's pain pills, because the pain pills render you unable to even know that something hurts, and so you don't realize there is a problem. The body creates the pain response to let you know that you don't need to use your back right now, it is damaged and needs time to heal.

Marijuana can have spiritual benefits. God put all the seed bearing plants on earth for us to use. The Buddha said everything in moderation, the middle path, use is good but be careful not to abuse. Marijuana usually makes one more compassionate about things, but the government would have us believe otherwise.

It is also illegal because way to many people believe it is impossible to legalize it. Therefore it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Marijuana users just aren't that big into taking action, they're to busy just tryin' to chill and let things blow over. It's not going to blow over, marijuana has been in prohibition since 1937, that's 74 years.

Not to mention because the most important thing on a marijuana enthusiasts mind is, what to munch on next and do I really want to get off the couch. Really, at the end of a hard days work, why can't someone sit down and smoke a joint? I mean the guy next door works a hard day, comes home, cracks open a few cold ones then decides to drive to the bar and on his way kills a family of four because he was DUI.

It doesn't harm anyone, no one has ever died because they smoked a joint, unless they had a really adverse allergic reaction to it, and people can be allergic to anything. If it did ruin their life, it would be their choice. I say as long as they're not harming anyone else, not doing it in the presence of minor children. Then go for it... It's time that we start to realize that freedom comes from within, no government can grant you freedom. Even some "free" people are in bondage to their misconceived, confused, and hateful minds.

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